aya:~/html/public_html/linux%ikill This is an interactive process operating program. Input the name of process you want to operate >yuji USER PID %CPU %MEM SIZE RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND yuji 15128 0.1 0.9 1068 520 ? S 23:31 0:00 sh /home/yuji/.xsession Input signal you want to send to this process ("?" for help). >? "n" for nothing, "p" for previous one, 1:HUP, 9:KILL, 15:TERM(default), 19:STOP, 18:CONT, "q" for quit. USER PID %CPU %MEM SIZE RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND yuji 15128 0.1 0.9 1068 520 ? S 23:31 0:00 sh /home/yuji/.xsession Input signal you want to send to this process ("?" for help). >n USER PID %CPU %MEM SIZE RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND yuji 15142 0.3 1.1 1420 636 ? S 23:31 0:00 xautolock -time 5 -locker cat ~/sound/crash.au > /dev/audio & xlock -nolock -modelist "bug penrose gr Input signal you want to send to this process ("?" for help). >n USER PID %CPU %MEM SIZE RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND yuji 15143 0.0 2.0 2108 1152 ? S 23:31 0:00 xconsole -iconic Input signal you want to send to this process ("?" for help). >p USER PID %CPU %MEM SIZE RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND yuji 15142 0.3 1.1 1420 636 ? S 23:31 0:00 xautolock -time 5 -locker cat ~/sound/crash.au > /dev/audio & xlock -nolock -modelist "bug penrose gr Input signal you want to send to this process ("?" for help). >